Agreeing adverbs

Adverbs comprise a heterogeneous class of clause-level elements used to modify an event or proposition.

Defining adverbs for cross-linguistic comparison


Clause-level agreeing adverbs have been observed in Romance varieties spoken in Italy and Spain and elsewhere (e.g., Antrim 1994 ; Fábregas & Pérez-Jiménez 2008; Ledgeway 2011, 2017; Hummel 2014, 2015, 2017; Hummel & Valera 2017; Silvestri 2017; Paciaroni 2023) and a number of Indo-Aryan varieties (e.g. Hook & Joshi 1991; Butt et al. 2016).

Agreeing adverbs are also particularly prevalent in the Nakh-Daghestanian family (e.g. Chumakina & Bond 2016; Chumakina & Lyutikova 2023; Sumbatova 2023; Kaye, in press), and are attested in the Samoyedic languages Tundra Nenets (Nikolaeva 2014) and Forest Enets (Khanina & Shluinsky 2023; Chumakina 2023).

The fact that adverb agreement is also observed sporadically across a number of different families, and only ever affects a subset of adverbs within a language, suggests that that there are likely to be further cases which are so far eluded attention.

Map 1.1 charts varieties known to have clause-level adverbs, as opposed to adverbs which are used as modifiers within a noun phrase. Adverbs that show agreement only when occurring as the modifiers of other modifiers have a different genetic and geographical distribution. The mapped data set is currently limited to those varieties included in Bond et al. (2022).

Map 1.1 Languages with adverb agreement included in Bond et al. (2022).


Aqusha DargwaDagestanianDagestanianvan den Berg 1999; Ganenkov 2018
ArchiDagestanianDagestanianKibrik 1977; Bond et al. 2016; Polinsky et al. 2017
AvarDagestanianDagestanianAlekseev & Ataev 1998; Rudnev 2020
BagwalalDagestanianDagestanianKibrik 2001
BatsNakhNakhHolisky & Gagua 1994; p.c. Jesse Wichers Schreur
BezhtaDagestanianDagestanianComrie, Khalilov & Khalilova 2015
BotlikhDagestanianDagestanianSaidova & Abusov 2012
BukusuBantoidBantoidDiercks 2010; Carstens & Diercks 2013
Central PashtoIranianIranianTegey & Robson 1996; Brugman 2014; David & Goodman 2014; Fox & David 2014
ChamalalDagestanianDagestanianMagomedova 1999
ChechenNakhNakhNichols 1994
CosentinoRomanceRomanceLedgeway 2009; Ledgeway 2011; Ledgeway 2017
Forest EnetsSamoyedicSamoyedicSiegl 2011; Chumakina 2023; Khanina & Shluinsky 2023
Gagatl AndiDagestanianDagestanianSalimov 2010
GodoberiDagestanianDagestanianSaidova 1973; Kibrik 1995; Haspelmath 1999; Haspelmath 1996
Gujarati IndoAryanIndo-AryanHook & Joshi 1991; Cardona & Suthar 2003; Bhatt 2005
HinuqDagestanianDagestanianForker 2013
HunzibDagestanianDagestanianvan den Berg 1995
Inkhokwari KhwarshiDagestanianDagestanianKhalilova 2009; Chumakina & Lyutikova 2023
LakDagestanianDagestanianKazenin 2013
Marathi IndoAryanIndo-AryanPandharipande 2003; Dhongde & Wali 2009
Marwari IndoAryanIndo-AryanMagier 1983; Gusain 2004
MosetenMosetén-ChimanéMosetén-ChimanéSakel 2004
MussomeliRomanceRomanceLedgeway 2011; Ledgeway 2017
Northern AkhwakhDagestanianDagestanianCreissels 2012; Creissels 2018
RipanoRomanceRomancePaciaroni & Loporcaro 2018; Lopocaro et al. 2020; Paciaroni 2023; D'Alessandro 2020
Southern AkhwakhDagestanianDagestanianMuraviev, forthcoming
Tanti DargwaDagestanianDagestanianSumbatova & Lander 2014; Sumbatova 2023; p.c. Nina Sumbatova
TindiDagestanianDagestanianMagomedova 2003
Tokita DagestanianDagestanianMagomedbekova 1971; Magomedova & Khalidova 2001
TsakhurDagestanianDagestanianIbragimov 1990; Kibrik 1999a ; Kibrik 1999b; Kazenin & Testelets 1999
TsezDagestanianDagestanianPolinsky 2015
Tundra NenetsSamoyedicSamoyedicNikolaeva 2014
Urdu IndoAryanIndo-AryanBhatt 2005; Kachru 2006 ; Shapiro 2013; Butt et al. 2016
Zilo AndiDagestanianDagestanianKaye 2023; Kaye, in press; Kaye et al., in press

Data sources


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Butt, Miriam, Sebastian Sulger, Mutee U. Rahman, & Tafseer Ahmed. 2016. ‘Adverb agreement in Urdu, Sindhi and Punjabi’, in Doug Arnold, Miriam Butt, Berthold Crysmann, Tracy Holloway King, & Stefan Müller (eds), Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 140–60.

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