Agreeing complementizers

Complementizers are functional elements that introduce a clause as a complement of a lexical category or mark clauses as verbal arguments.

Defining complementizers for cross-linguistic comparison


Cross-linguistically, complementizers are rarely sensitive to the featural properties of clause-level arguments; however, argument indexation on complementizers is prevalent in certain language groups and is particularly well attested in Bantu (e.g. Rizzi 1990; Kawasha 2007; Baker 2008; Diercks 2010, 2013), Mande (e.g. Idiatov 2010) and West Germanic (e.g. Haegeman 1992; Kathol 2001; van Koppen 2017) languages. Complementizer agreement has been observed in several other language families in Africa (Güldemann 2008) and is also a property of the Celtic language Welsh (Borsley 2009) and the Slavic language Polish (Citko 2018).

Map 3.1 shows the distribution of languages with complementizer agreement within a convenience sample of 73 languages used in Bond et al. (2022). The sample was constructed for the purpose of exploring dependencies between target types in languages exhibiting evidence for at least one non-verbal agreement target belonging to the categories adverb, adposition, complementizer, noun or pronoun.

Map 3.1 Languages with complementizer agreement within a convenience sample of 73 languages exhibiting evidence for at least one non-verbal agreement target belonging to the categories adverb, adposition, complementizer, noun or pronoun.


CoahuiltecoCoahuilteco CoahuiltecoTroike 1981; Troike 1996; Branan 2019
TeiwaAlor-Pantar Alor-PantarKlamer 2010; Sauerland, Hollebrandse & Kratochvíl 2020
BavarianGermanic GermanicWeise 1907; Weiß 2005; Fuẞ 2014
West FlemishGermanic GermanicHaegeman 2000
West FrisianGermanic Germanicvan der Meer 1991; Zwart 1993
WelshCeltic CelticBorsley 2009
KpelleMande MandeIdiatov 2010; Konoshenko 2013; Konoshenko 2015
Samatiguila JulaMande MandeBraconnier 1987; Idiatov 2010; Konoshenko 2013
TuraMande MandeBearth 1971; Idiatov 2010; Konoshenko 2013
RipanoRomance RomancePaciaroni & Loporcaro 2018; Lopocaro et al. 2020; Paciaroni 2023; D'Alessandro 2020
BukusuBantoid BantoidDiercks 2010; Carstens & Diercks 2013
ChokweBantoid BantoidMartins 1990; Kawasha 2007; Kawasha 2008
EjaghamBantoid BantoidWatters 1981; Güldemann 2008
IkalangaBantoid BantoidLetsholo 2002; Letsholo & Safir 2019
LimbumBantoid BantoidFransen 1995
LuchaziBantoid BantoidFleisch 2000; Kawasha 2007
LundaBantoid BantoidKawasha 2003; Kawasha 2007
LuvaleBantoid BantoidHorton 1949; Kawasha 2007
NandeBantoid BantoidBaker 2008
FinnishFinnic FinnicLehman 1982; Karlsson 2018
IbibioDelta Cross Delta CrossKauffman 1968; Torrence 2016
NantiArawakan ArawakanMichael 2008; Michael 2012
PolishSlavic SlavicCitko 2018; Swan 2002
AuNuclear Torricelli Nuclear TorricelliScorza 1985
Gujarati Indo-Aryan Indo-AryanHook & Joshi 1991; Cardona & Suthar 2003; Bhatt 2005

Data sources


Baker, Mark. 2008. The syntax of agreement and concord. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Borsley, Robert D. 2009. ‘On the superficiality of Welsh agreement’, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 27/2: 225–65.

Citko, Barbara. 2018. Complementizer agreement with coordinated subjects in Polish. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 3(1): 124. 1–25, DOI:

Diercks, Michael. 2010. Agreement with subjects in Lubukusu. PhD dissertation, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

Diercks, Michael. 2013. ‘Indirect agree in Lubukusu complementiser agreement’, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 31/2: 357–407.

Güldemann, Tom. 2008. Quotative indexes in African languages. A synchronic and diachronic survey. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Haegeman, Liliane. 1992. Theory and description in generative syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Idiatov, Dmitry. 2010. ‘Person–number agreement on clause linking markers in Mande’, Studies in Language, 34.4: 832–868. doi 10.1075/sl.34.4.03idi

Kathol, Andreas. 2001. ‘Syntactic categories and positional shape alternations’, Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, 3/2: 59–96.

Kawasha, Boniface. 2007. ‘Subject-agreeing complementizers and their functions in Chokwe, Luchazi, Lunda, and Luvale’, in Doris L. Payne & Jaime Peña (eds), Selected proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 180–90.

van Koppen, Marjo. 2017. ‘Complementizer agreement’, in Martin Everaert & Henk van Riemsdijk (eds), The Wiley Blackwell companion to syntax (2nd ed.). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 923–62. doi: 10.1002/9781118358733.wbsyncom061

Rizzi, Luigi. 1990. Relativized minimality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.