Agreeing nouns

Nouns are a class typified by forms that make reference to objects, with exemplars including tangible animate and inanimate entities and places.

Defining nouns for cross-linguistic comparison


Cross-linguistically, nouns are seldom sensitive to the featural properties of clause-level arguments. Nearly all attested cases are in the Dagestanian branch of Nakh-Dagestanian. The most comprehensive account of this phenomenon is described for Zilo Andi by Kaye (2023). Indexation of core argument properties on other arguments has also been observed in the Italo-Romance variety Ripano (Paciaroni 2003) and appears to be a property of two extinct varieties, Elamite, an isolate once spoken in modern day Iran (see Stolper 2004), and Coahuilteco, an isolate once spoken in southern Texas (United States) and northeastern Coahuila (Mexico) (Troike 19811996).

Map 4.1 Languages with noun agreement within a convenience sample of 73 languages used in Bond et al. (2022) exhibiting evidence for at least one non-verbal agreement target belonging to the categories adverb, adposition, complementizer, noun or pronoun.


Aqusha DargwaDagestanian Dagestanianvan den Berg 1999; Ganenkov 2018
AvarDagestanian DagestanianAlekseev & Ataev 1998; Rudnev 2020
CoahuiltecoCoahuilteco CoahuiltecoTroike 1981; Troike 1996; Branan 2019
Gagatl Andi Dagestanian DagestanianSalimov 2010
LakDagestanian DagestanianKazenin 2013
Northern AkhwakhDagestanian DagestanianCreissels 2012; Creissels 2018
RipanoRomance RomancePaciaroni & Loporcaro 2018; Lopocaro et al. 2020; Paciaroni 2023; D'Alessandro 2020
Tanti DargwaDagestanian DagestanianSumbatova & Lander 2014; Sumbatova 2023; p.c. Nina Sumbatova
Tokita Dagestanian DagestanianMagomedbekova 1971; Magomedova & Khalidova 2001
TsakhurDagestanian DagestanianIbragimov 1990; Kibrik 1999a; Kibrik 1999b; Kazenin & Testelets 1999
Zilo Andi Dagestanian DagestanianKaye 2023; Kaye, in press; Kaye et al., in press

Data sources


Bond, Oliver, Steven Kaye & Marina Chumakina. 2022. A typology of agreement targets. Paper given at the 55th Societas Linguistica Europaea meeting (SLE 55), University of Bucharest, August 26, 2022.

Kaye, Steven. 2023. ‘Agreement between arguments in Andi’, in Marina Chumakina, Oliver Bond & Steven Kaye (eds), Agreement beyond the verb. Unusual targets, unexpected domains, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 48–90.

Paciaroni, Tania. 2023. ‘Unusual agreement targets in Ripano’, in Marina Chumakina, Oliver Bond & Steven Kaye (eds), Agreement beyond the verb. Unusual targets, unexpected domains, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 156–197.

Stolper, Matthew W. 2004. ‘Elamite’, in Roger D. Woodard (ed.), The Cambridge encyclopaedia of the world’s ancient languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 60–94.

Troike, Rudolph C. 1981. ‘Subject-object concord in Coahuilteco’, Language, 57/3, 658–73.

Troike, Rudolph C. 1996. ‘Sketch of Coahuilteco, a language isolate of Texas’, in Ives Goddard (ed.), Handbook of North American Indians, vol. xvii: Languages. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 644–65.